On Wed, Apr 08, 2015 at 11:45:09AM +0200, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
>On 07/04/15(Tue) 21:09, Mario St-Gelais wrote:
>> [...]
>> Not quite sur what that udf_data is supposed to contain, I have some more 
>> homework to do.
>You can have a look at the libusb sources, they make use of these ioctls.

I actually put a copy of it in my usb playgroud folder.  I have been peeking
at openbsd_usb.c file mainly.  It all started when I saw  "The OpenBSD
Foundation Ideas List - GSOC 2015" and usbdevs picked my curiosity. Knowing
nothing about usb seemed to me like an interesting way to get my feet wet.

Mario St-Gelais

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