Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 12/18/05, Michael Steinfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
any ideas?
You're probably dealing with FAQ item #10.16: dealing with Apache's chroot()
"/var/www/users/mike/rails/public/dispatch.fcgi" (pid 9195), chdir()
failed: No such file or directory
As the errors reported deal with a directory not found, try running
without a chroot first. If that works, adjust your paths so that they
are located while running chroot'ed.
Symlinking /var/www/var/www to ../.. can help with this (but if you're
writing any ports, make sure to remove the symlink before testing).
I have nothing to say about the Ruby issue, but you should symlink it to
"..", not "../..". Remember the link resides in /var/www/var... :-)
# ll /var/www/var/www
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root daemon 2 May 10 2005 /var/www/var/www@ -> ..