On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 03:36:03PM -0300, Henrique Lengler wrote:
> My intenert falled again, but with this option I didn't received device
> timeout, I received this:

Hi Henrique,

The output you sent shows things are working fine, it doesn't
show any problem. So we're still at square 1 with this issue.

Can somebody please try to provide a recipe that triggers the problem

Note that a device timeout implies the device has failed to send a frame.
This could happen because:

 - there is some transmission problem with the device itself
 - some USB problem is preventing transmission
 - some USB problem is preventing notification of successfull
   transmission to the driver
 - the AP failed to ACK the frame, either because it did not receive
   it (out of range, interference, ...) or because the athn device
   could not receive the ACK from the AP

Without more information it's difficult to say what's going on.

If you're in a position to run tcpdump -y IEEE802_11_RADIO on the AP
please watch for frames sent from the USB device and try to figure out
where the frame is lost.

Please also see http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=141501277608157&w=2
which is about the same driver on PCI instead of USB.

As long as running 'ifconfig athn0 down up' restores connectivity on USB
I have more important issues to look at and won't spend more of my time
trying to reproduce this problem unless more information is provided.

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