Thanks, I'll start looking there. This is in the context of flashrd
not being bootable on i386 at the moment:

Brian Conway
Founder, Owner
RCE Software, LLC

On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 4:00 PM, Ted Unangst <> wrote:
> Brian Conway wrote:
>> I get similar results when swapping in ls, pax, and so on. However,
>> the make release process generates a working instbin binary as used by
>> bsd.rd, so it's working elsewhere and it's not clear if there's a user
>> step I'm missing.
> There have been changes to the -fPIE defaults, which is where'd I start
> looking, but you should know that crunchgen isn't supported. It exits solely
> to make the installation media. You're mostly on your own here.

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