On 2015-04-06 09:59:29, Tuyosi Takesima <nakajin.fu...@gmail.com> wrote: > thanks fo reply . > i understand jwm's state at present. > > openbsd's default X window manager(i don't know it's name) is > difficult to use especially non-english language user . > > it's defect is that it doesn't show the state of input method. > jwm show the state of input method(right under) and speedy . >
If you're talking about CWM, then what I do to see what input method is currently being used with UIM is to check the "Show input mode nearby cursor" option in the "Global settings" menu (the default one that opens up with running uim-pref-gtk) and set it to "With time" and set the time length to 1 second (you could set it to a longer time, but 1 second is enough for me). It also has the option of "With mode" which shows it permanently next to the cursor, but only when switched away from the default IME. This causes the input mode to show every time I change focus on a window. The only bug I notice with this is when using TCL/TK applications, the input mode shows up every time I hover over a text field or button (like "OK", "Cancel", etc.) which sometimes blocks a click, but I don't use many TCL/TK applications, so it's not a major issue for me. Of course, this would only apply if you're using UIM. If you're using SCIM or something else, then you'd have to see if they have their own options for showing what the current IME is. -- Bryan