Todd C. Miller, 02 Apr 2015 14:47:
> Please read those articles again, "Secure Boot" is *not* mandatory
> for Windows 10.  The major change is that for Windows 8 Microsoft
> *required* hardware vendors to provide a setting to disable Secure
> Boot.  To be certified for Windows 10, the hardware is no longer
> required to have this setting.
> So no one is being forced to make Secure Boot mandatory.  If some
> hardware vendors choose not to include a way to turn it off they'll
> simply lose some business.  At worst this creates new opportunities
> for vendors interested in PC sales for Linux, BSD, etc...
> The sky is not falling.
it is starting to fall, for me at least.

there are notebooks as we speak coming with windows 8.1
and already have no secure boot [off] switch in their
bios.  a friend stopped by with a fairly unspecial
mid-range acer notebook and i couldn't indulge in dmesg
porn because it wouldn't boot any external media
without keys present on them.  hardware vendors are
perhaps not forced to remove it, but they will.   it's
one less variable thus one less support issue.

also, how will you check on an online shop if the bios
actually has a secure boot off switch? you can't find
even basic chipset information on their product
description pages, let alone bios options. buying
notebooks online has just become impossible.

i am fairly fed up with notebook vendors.  wifi adapter
whitelists, secure boot, it's been going downhill for
the last 15 years.  locking me out of my own notebook
because ms can't get its shit together is the last
drop.  we'll be all running openbsd in VM's only on
windows 123.  or go back to desktop machines where
cannot be locked down so easily and buy bigger

don't /usr/bin/talk to strangers

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