Should there be a difference if I haven't botched the source tree for /usr/ports at some point?
firefox --version tells me Mozilla Firefox 31.0 (It also gives a warning about size mismatch in a couple of c++ libraries and says I should relink the program, which is part of the message it sends to the console every time I run it. I'vd been ignoring that message.) And pkg_add -u firefox just talks to itself, then says quirks-2.9 signed on 2014-08-02T11:06:132 but cd /usr/ports/www/firefox-esr make -n tells me lock=firefox-esr-31.5.3 Without the -n, it would try to install firefox 31.5.3, but break on lack of disk space for installing gcc 4.8.3. I installed gcc-4.8.3 from packages, but the make process didn't see that, and still tried to install it again. (gcc --version from the command line says 4.2.1.) I've grabbed some space on another disk, changed /etc/fstab to mount those partitions and rebuilt src and xenocara in nice roomy partitions there. (Man, putting the src tree on a separate disk sure speeds cvs updates and builds up like crazy!) /usr/ports is just sitting there after a cvs up to stable (-rOPENBSD_5_6). And I'm hesitating before building firefox from source again. Joel Rees Computer memory is just fancy paper, CPUs just fancy pens. All is a stream of text flowing from the past into the future.