You done the routing on the client side?
Client, after connecting to L2TP, should know how to reach your internal 
network there web3 lives.


> On 31 mar 2015, at 23:17, Predrag Punosevac <> wrote:
> Hi Misc,
> Thanks to sevral kind fox I got L2PT server to work like a charm on 5.7.
> I will post my configuration files in day or two as I am working on the
> very tight deadline.
> I am facing now another probably trivial problem.
> I would like L2PT server to serve as a web gateway to one of my
> websites.
> Namely I have something like this
> Internet ----> Firewall/L2PT/Nginx ----> insecure web using Nginx proxy 
>                                   ----> insecure web2 using Nginx proxy
>                                  ----> sec web3 only available to L2PT
> I have problem getting web3 to be available to L2PT folks. Was trying 
> to rdr the incomming traffic on vpn interfece tun0 address to
> a host behind firewall on my private lan. It didn't work.
> I am tried to use nginx as proxy as declaring to be the
> interface and redireting to virtual host but all I get is for nginx to
> push that traffic to one of the hosts web and web2 which use the same
> port but different non vpn address (the same physical interface with
> tun0)
> The only thing I have not done is using enc0 interface? Can somebody
> point me in the general direction how to solve this problem.
> Most Kind Regards,
> Predrag Punosevac

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