"Richard P. Koett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Martin Reindl wrote:
> > "J.C. Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> On Sat, 17 Dec 2005 18:03:21 +0100, Martin Reindl
> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> >> 
> >>> "J.C. Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>>> On Fri, 16 Dec 2005 13:50:48 -0800, "J.C. Roberts"
> >>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> >>>> 
> >>>>> (2) When doing the installation disklabel, the "suggested"
> >>>>> starting offset for the 'a' partition is 0? I know using an
> >>>>> offset of 0 is discouraged on i386 and other systems (default is
> >>>>> 63), so I figured I'd ask if using a 0 offset is the
> >>>>> "best/correct" way for alpha? 
> >>>> 
> >>>> Just for those searching the misc@ archives...
> >>>> 
> >>>> I received info off-list that disklabel is doing the right thing by
> >>>> using an offset of 0 on the alpha architecture.
> >>> 
> >>> I wonder anyway how you got the impression it was doing wrong and
> >>> the offset would be 63 for the first slice. FAQ 14.1 only talks
> >>> about i386 and amd64 under 'Disklabel tricks and tips/Leave first
> >>> track free'. It's clear imo.
> >> 
> >> There's a difference between thinking disklabel is doing the wrong
> >> thing and just making sure it's doing the right thing. ;-)
> >> 
> >> The alpha PSW is a weird beast with it's "Dual BIOS" where the first
> >> AlphaBIOS/ARC is for running WinNT4 with x86 BIOS emulation support
> >> and the second, the SRM Console, is for running Tru64 and OpenVMS.
> >> 
> >> The guys I've talked to at Digital/Compaq/HP told me the multitude of
> >> alpha SRM's are very much closed source (due to the fact they control
> >> VMS licensing/revenue) and obviously, each SRM is specifically built
> >> for each machine model. On the weird machines like the PSW where
> >> multi/dual-booting NT, VMS and OSF/1 can be done, there *might* be
> >> some mad hackery in this particular SRM with a requirement for
> >> keeping the first (logical) track free for the MBR.
> >> 
> >>> From what I've read, I think the way the linux guys have hacked a
> >>> way 
> >> into supporting the use of AlphaBIOS/ARC on the PSW is by having the
> >> MBR and a small FAT partition for lilo and such. This same approach
> >> is used on the PSW when running WinNT4 with NTFS.
> >> 
> >> In a situation where you are *only* running OpenBSD, using a offset
> >> of 0 is probably just fine. On the other hand, if you happen to have
> >> WinNT installed someplace (i.e. installed on another disk), the
> >> supposedly "harmless" tag that NT writes on all disks might make a
> >> real mess of your OBSD install. 
> >> 
> >> The problem is not so much that the OpenBSD docs are unclear,
> >> instead, the problem is the setup of particular machine,
> >> particularly in muti-boot configs, can be very convoluted. I only
> >> asked because I'm just trying to *understand* what the heck I'm
> >> doing and what all the possible ramifications are. -In other words,
> >> curiosity. ;-) 
> > 
> > So they only problem now is documenting how to multiboot OpenBSD and
> > WinNT on alpha? Pardon me, but i don't expect Nick to put up a section
> > about this in the FAQ. Especially since it would involve explaining
> > AlphaBIOS fiddling which has nothing to do with OpenBSD and is a major
> > PITA anyway.
> > 
> > martin
> Lighten up a bit man. There is nothing in J.C.'s post that implies he
> expects "a section about this in the FAQ".
> Maybe there ought to be a section in the FAQ about how even the most
> tangential reference to it on misc is like kicking a chicken coop.

Obviously you know so much more than me. Reminds my i should go back to
hacking and quit this short digression to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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