On 15-03-24 03:26 AM, Claudio Jeker wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 11:54:41PM -0400, Yonas Yanfa wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm running relayd/OpenBSD 5.6-stable on a KVM virtual machine. relayd
>> always crashes within a few hours of restarting it, but works properly
>> before that.
> I guess you are talking about reloading relayd (as in relayctl reload)...

Killing all relayd processes and then running relayd.

>> When relayd stops working, sometimes the relayd process is up but `relayctl >> show summary` says that /var/run/relayd.sock doesn't exist. Other times none
>> of the relayd processes are running.
> I hit similar issues and came up with the following diff against -current.
> It may apply to 5.6 but did not test that at all. I'm not 100% sure about
> the ca.c change since OpenSSL is a black box.

Thanks for the patches.

Before I try to apply the patches, I think the issue might be caused by having too many CLOSE_WAIT connections. I seem to have 2,236 CLOSE_WAIT connections:

$ netstat -n|grep CLOSE_WAIT|wc -l

And relayd seems to have 501 active connections:

relay www, session 1806 (501 active), 0, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -> :0, hard timeout

How can I get relayd to close these connections?


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