On 2015-03-21, Riccardo Mottola <riccardo.mott...@libero.it> wrote:
> Hi,
> Brian McCafferty wrote:
>> Just a serial cable, then you can use tip(1).  The connections and other
>> info are in the V120 user guide which you can download from Oracle.  Get
>> a usb-serial adapter if you don't have a serial port on the machine
>> you're trying to connect to it.
> well not just a "serial" cable, but you need to have a RJ45 at one end. 
> It is a plain ol' RS232 but with an unusual connector. You need an 
> adapter for these, you can do one yourself if you have the tweezers to 
> crimp the LAN cables.

These are normally made with a "de9-rj45 modular connector" like startech 
gc98ff, these don't need tools.

You can also get all-in-one usb to rj45-rs232 adapters now, search ebay
for "ftdi rj45". Most say they're for Cisco, IIRC the Sun pinout is the same
but either confirm that for yourself or look for one that specifically
says Sun.

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