On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 07:42:11PM +0300, Joseph Oficre wrote:
> Hm, i had it, but removed, cuz thought it kinda DIRTY TRICK. Okay, seems it
> is the only option, thank you a lot.

I am not sure how you are starting stuff. You should probably show all
files involved. I start xdm at boot for a graphical login. As described
under "xdm(1) startup" at http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq11.html the file
$HOME/.xsession will be executed in that case.

My .xsession sources .profile which sets and exports the ENV variable.

All relevant files can be seen here:

With these files I am able to declare a variable in .kshrc, start a new
xterm (or run ksh insida an existing xterm) and have that variable be

Patrik Lundin

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