On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 10:56 AM, Jiri B <ji...@devio.us> wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 01:44:47PM +0200, Ruslanas Gžibovskis wrote:
> > So question is:
> > What Virtualization solutions OpenBSD support?
> OpenBSD supports SPARC ldomains, but you have to have
> SPARC hw :P
> There is support of some virtio devices (vio, vioblock,
> "broken" vioscsi, vio balloon...) which are supported by
> qemu/kvm, xen.
> There's at least one developer using ESXi thus he/they
> take care of needed drivers (vmx).
> Even I like ESXi the most, I would go with KVM or Xen
> if x86 HW is used. Why? ESXi has very restricted features
> in free version. KVM/Xen "distributions" offer you
> much more features (live migration, etc...) and they
> are also OSS.
> Xen got finally some nice web ui (watching just pictures)
> https://xen-orchestra.com/#/...

Xen Orchestra was not created by nor is it supported by the Xen Project.

There are a lot of different front-end managers for Xen out there.


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