On 02/24/15 18:33, Tom Smyth wrote:
> Hi Lads
> I saw this changelog for SFP+ drivers so that they will recognize a SFP
> module when it is plugged in (rather than having to reboot the box to have
> the OS pick up the new module)
> Fix for ix(4) SFP+ module detection when booting without the modules
> plugged in.
> I was wondering if it would be possible to include this in the 5.6 Stable
> as a Patch,

possible? Of course. That's the neat thing about open source.

Developer doing it and making it official?  Unlikely.  New functionality
is almost never pushed back to -stable.  If there was a breakage between
5.5 and 5.6, maybe, but something that never worked will not be added to

> The reason is I would like to deploy to our production router, and I would
> be worried about running 5.7 current on the production system..

um. right now, we are at 5.7-beta, and lock, meaning what we have now is
almost 5.7 and BEFORE 5.7, not 5.7-current, which is AFTER 5.7.

> I was wondering if there wasn't a significant functionality change in the
> driver would it be possible to include it as patch in stable branch ?
> failing that would someone  give advice about trying to "back port" the fix
> ( I hate the thought of it )

let's think about this...which would you rather have:
a) an OS which is about to become 5.7-release, and if a problem is
found, devs will jump all over it to fix it for 5.7?
b) an OS which is a Frankenstein's monster of bits and pieces mushed
together and 100% not supported by anyone?

I'd go for "a", and I'd suggest you consider doing the same.


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