On 2015-02-12, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera <h...@barrera.io> wrote:
> On 2015-02-12 10:18, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>> On 2015-02-11, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera <h...@barrera.io> wrote:
>> > Can
>> > someone else confirm postgres9.4 work fine on the latest -snapshot? (the
>> > confirmation would be helpful to reafirm that it's not an issue with some
>> > dependency or library).
>> Works fine on my bacula box, running 9.4.1 (and previously 9.4.0) on amd64.
> Ok, so now I know that the issue is on my end. Which leaves me even more
> confused. You're running the latest snapshots too, right? (eg: the ones from
> feb 10th?).
> Aside from a clean install, do you have any more changes? Perhaps login.conf?

I have the login.conf section from the example in the pkg-readme,


and this in sysctl.conf

# postgresql

<sthen@hutch:~:532>$ ls -l /bin/ls /usr/local/bin/postgres 
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  bin   267968 Feb 10 23:19 /bin/ls*
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  bin  6508711 Feb  9 03:21 /usr/local/bin/postgres*

<sthen@hutch:~:533>$ sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 5.7-beta (GENERIC) #797: Tue Feb 10 16:26:12 MST 2015

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