Been upgrading by install, and I'm finding I want another several

I presently have, in addition to whole drive, swap, and root, /home, /tmp,
/usr, /usr/X11R6, /usr/local, /usr/obj, /usr/ports, /usr/src,
/usr/xenocara, /var, and /my/DOS.

I want another for /usr/xobj, but I need to keep a few free for accessing
other stuff on the boot drive (multiboot stuff).

On my desktop with three drives, I will eventually put /home on a separate
drive and free up one of the device partitions on the boot drive, but
laptops aren't really amenable to that. And that only frees one more.

I'm looking at the instructions for building from source (FAQ 15) and
seeing what looks like environment variables that I could set to move the
source tree down a level. If I could put /usr/src, /usr/ports,
/usr/xenocara, /usr/obj, and /usr/xobj all under, say, /usr/bld, as
/usr/bld/src, /usr/bld/ports, /usr/bld/obj, /usr/bld/xenocara, and
/usr/bld/xobj, it would allow me to free up several device partitions while
still keeping the build tree separate from the rest of /usr. It would also
make allocating space and inodes for the build tree a bit more flexible.

If I try this, how much pain am I going to be buying myself?

Joel Rees

Computer memory is just fancy paper,
CPUs just fancy pens.
All is a stream of text
flowing from the past into the future.

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