On 01/26/15 09:55, Libertas wrote:
On 01/26/2015 05:05 AM, John Long wrote:
Is anybody using a regular USB stick as a primary disk drive for OpenBSD and
if so how well do they work and how long do they last? Is this a reasonable
solution for an appliance or dev box and are there better alternatives that
will work over USB or the network? Specifically this box can boot and run
from USB but I don't know if it can run diskless or how well it would run.

Otto's one of the heads around here and thinks otherwise, though. I
guess there isn't a strong consensus.

depends what you are doing with the system.
I use a USB flash drive on two firewall systems at home, works great. As a quick-and-dirty way of looking at unknown hardware, also works great.

On my primary workstation? No, don't think a USB stick would be my first choice. Or my second. Probably not even my third.

All depends on the application. If you are mostly booting and little logging, a USB flash boot disk works fine. Disk intensive, not so good.

I've softraided USB drives, not sure I'd recommend that level of complexity, though.


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