21 янв. 2015 г. 20:11 пользователь "Zuleyha Torku"
> Hi
> I would like to use httrack. But, when I was try to make it source
> (downloaded from svn), I have got plenty of errors like belov
> Is there anyone can give some advices about installation httrack on
> 5.6 amd64 ?
> htscharset.c:1239: warning: comparison is always true due to limited range
> of data type

Please take a look for www/httrack port. It didn't get in OpenBSD 5.6,
unfortunately, but you likely could take it from -CURRENT (this is not a
supported method in general, but should work in that particular case):

$ cd /usr/ports
$ cvs up -APd www/httrack
$ cd www/httrack
$ make install

Alternatively, you could take patches from this port and adapt them to SVN
checkout you have.

Vadim Zhukov

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