> On Jan 20, 2015, at 9:59 AM, John Long <codeb...@inbox.lv> wrote:
>> though I should fix the the portable version to adjust the manpage to
>> point where it actually gets configured for installation. Some packagers
>> have already been patching this for their distributions. By default, it
>> should get written to:
>> LOCALSTATEDIR "/db/ntpd.drift"
> Thanks, this helps. It was there, just not where I wanted since I install
> addons in /usr/local. Unfortunately now that I fixed the build to use /var
> like everything else I see there is a problem because /var/db is only root
> writeable and I believe the _ntp user is the one trying to write the drift
> file. It would be unfortunate to have to create a whole directory hierachy
> no matter how small just to have a place the _ntp user could write his drift
> file. I think I would even prefer /var/tmp to that. Any suggestions?

That's OK. Nothing will be written as the _ntp user. The unprivileged process 
instead sends a message to the privileged process, which actually does the 
writing of the drift file. You want it to be some place persistent, not 

Note that a new drift file is not written immediately on start, only after the 
proper frequency adjustment has been determined. That might take a long time 
depending on the stability of your systems's clock (e.g. VMs) and how quickly 
time can be synced, etc. Give it an hour or ten :)

>>> Also, what is the purpose of /var/empty/ntp in the portable version? It's
>>> empty ;)
>> Thanks for bringing that up. This is a privilege-separation directory
>> that the unprivileged ntpd processes chroot to on startup. It is
>> intentionally empty and unwritable by the unprivileged processes.
>> Having this directory empty and unwritable prevents the processes from
>> having access to any files or file system privileges that they do not
>> need to do their jobs.
>> Since /var/empty might not exist, e.g. Debian does not provide it,
>> your OS's package may have altered the privilege separation user
>> directory to be somewhere else, like '/var/run/openntpd'. But, that
>> should also be empty and unwritable.
> Ok, this was also fixed, presumably, when I set localstatedir for the
> build. 

I think this might be more likely:

'make install' checks to see if you have a properly configured unprivileged 
user and gives instructions if none is found. If you already have one 
configured, it does not display the instructions again.

> /jl
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