> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 14 December 2005 04:16 PM
> To: Marius Van Deventer - Umzimkulu; misc@openbsd.org
> Subject: Re: Connecting Nokia (and other) phones to a pc
> --On 14 December 2005 15:30 +0200, Marius Van Deventer - Umzimkulu 
> wrote:
> > A lot of people have done this it seems, but with serial cables, not
> > USB.
> A lot of USB cables for phones (especially third-party ones) include 
> standard USB-serial adapters attaching to ucom(4), often using a 
> Prolific chip supported by uplcom(4).
> Some cables which aren't supported are likely to use the same 
> chips but 
> with different device-id so they're not automatically recognised. In 
> these cases, it can be easy to support them (especially if 
> you know who 
> makes the chip).
> N.B. some phones which come with a USB connecter cannot be used for 
> GPRS, with these it's usually only possible to access the 
> phone memory 
> over USB. In those cases, sometimes a different 'data cable' is 
> available, but often you need to use bluetooth or irda instead.
> There is also such a thing as a bluetooth-rs232 adapter (requiring no 
> OS support), but you probably won't like the price, and I don't know 
> how compatible they are with phones.
> > I am currently stuck on this error:
> > ugenpoll: no edesc
> >
> > Anyone have any idea what it means? I know it has something 
> to do with
> > USB itself.
> edesc = endpoint descriptor, but knowing this won't help you.
> Your device is attached by ugen, a generic driver that allows 
> programs 
> to talk to USB devices that don't have a real driver. But those 
> programs need to know how to talk to the device, you can't 
> just use it 
> as a tty and run ppp over it.
> First, I think you should confirm the phone really can do GPRS over 
> USB. No point wasting time trying to make it work, if it's impossible.
The phone can do gprs over USB on windows using software supplied by
Nokia. It creates a "netword card" in XP network connections. To connect
you simply activate the "network card".

> > [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type
> > application/x-pkcs7-signature which had a name of smime.p7s]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/x-pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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