On Mon, Jan 05, 2015 at 11:30:30AM +0100, Clemens Goessnitzer wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I am running -current as of end-Decemberish. I am using a Ralink chip > powered wireless adapter (chip: Ralink RT3052), which should be supported by > the run driver. However, I get > > # sh /etc/netstart run0 > run0: no link ........... sleeping > > when I try to start the network (also at boot time, configured via > hostname.run0) > > Although the network said it got no link at boot time, networking after > login works fine. > > $ ifconfig run0 > run0: flags=28843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST,NOINET6> mtu 1500 > lladdr 80:1f:02:9a:22:c2 > priority: 4 > groups: wlan egress > media: IEEE802.11 autoselect (OFDM54 mode 11a) > status: active > ieee80211: nwid MYNWID chan 36 bssid MYBSSID 19dB wpakey <not
Try setting the AP to a 2.4 Ghz channel (1-13) and see if that improves things. 11a (5Ghz) has a shorter range than 11b/g.