On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 10:41:26PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2014-12-29, T. Ribbrock <emga...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > Given the current state of development in OpenBSD, I'm now wondering
> > what the best way forward is for me:
> >
> > a) Install apache-httpd-openbsd from ports and keep my configuration
> >    basically as is
> >    Advantage: Less work to get everything running - I've done OpenBSD
> >    re-installs like that several times over the past years
> >    Disadvantage: I guess that the new httpd will get a lot more
> >    developer attention, so this does not seem the ideal option longterm,
> >    but I could always migrate to httpd later, e.g. when upgrading to 5.7
> >    or (more likely) 5.8
> apache-httpd-openbsd is a dead-end, it's not actively developed, ssl
> support is poor, third-party documentation relating to use of webapps
> with Apache has long since moved to Apache 2. It's mainly there to
> provide a quick migration path for existing OpenBSD users and to
> ease the pain in ports.
> > b) Migrate to nginx
> >    This seems to be the least interesting option - not only do I have to
> >    migrate now, but once more in the future, as nginx is also on the way
> >    out (so, the same "developer attention" caveat applies as with
> >    apache)
> This might be a reasonable choice, especially if the CMS you're looking
> at already documents how to use it with nginx.
> > c) Migrate to httpd
> >    From what I've gathered so far from this list, this would basically
> >    require me to switch to -current, as the 5.6 version is too fresh and
> >    too many changes have happened since - or am I being pessimistic
> >    here? I've never run -current before, hence, I'm a bit hesitant...
> Personally I don't think httpd is quite ready for use with a typical
> PHP-based CMS yet (including -current). Two big issues for this type
> of use: "clean urls" functionality in most CMS needs rewrite support
> which httpd doesn't have. httpd's fastcgi support passes every url
> matching a location block to the handler meaning there's no mitigation
> for the issue described in
> http://wiki.nginx.org/Pitfalls#Passing_Uncontrolled_Requests_to_PHP
> (which also affects naive nginx configurations).

Yep. Lack of a "mod_rewrite" functionality in httpd is the only thing at this 
point keeping me from using it in production. MVC frameworks usually rely 
on some sort of rewrite to force URLs to a signle "front controller" file. 

I went with the OP's option a) and installed the apache 1 port just to get 
through the 5.6 upgrade. I'll likely switch to nginx long term unless httpd 
gets a rewrite functionality. Big thanks for the apache-httpd-openbsd option 
to make these migrations easier to phase in over time on busy sites. 


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