Got exactly the same issue with my Acer Aspire v5-573G several months ago.
Drove me crazy like hell. Nice to know that I wasn't the only one facing
this problem. Updating Acer BIOS didn't help, I had to remove HDD from
SATA-connected slot altogether to be able to boot past BIOS check.
Interesting observation, though - USB-booting worked without a hitch, both
from a flash drive and from the same HDD connected externally through
SATA-to-USB converter. I hope this helps with further investigation.

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 5:57 PM, Wade, Daniel <> wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [] On
> > Behalf Of Gabriel Guzman
> > Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 9:49 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Openbsd broke my hard drive twice! Getting frustrated
> >
> > I've been seeing a similar issue on a DELL XPS 13" Developer edition I
> got
> > back in June -- ran fine with ubuntu as shipped with Dell, and then I
> > wiped and installed OpenBSD and now can't even access the BIOS.
> >
> > I'm *sure* it's a BIOS issue as the BIOS is probably trying to do
> > something silly with the hardisk.  Haven't gotten around to flashing the
> > BIOS to a newer version as I'm fairly sure
> > I'll need to remove the harddisk before the system will even let me
> > boot (and that involves taking apart most of the laptop).  It's sad that
> > BIOSes are so buggy these days, and a bit crazy that something you do to
> > the disk would cause the BIOS to freak out.  Oh well, whenever the Dell
> > support people pick up the phone, I'll complain to them for all the good
> > it will do.
> >
> > The Dell had no problem booting the install media from usb, was just
> > when it came time to try and boot from HD that the BIOS freaked, and now
> > won't allow me to access the BIOS settings or the "choose which media to
> > boot from" menu.
> >
> > To the OP -- This is definitely not OpenBSD breaking your system, it's
> > OpenBSD doing one of the things it does best... exposing bugs in *other*
> > places (: and I feel your pain, it's quite frustrating when hardware
> > we've paid for can't handle something that should be easy.
> >
> > gabe.
> I've got a Dell latitude E5440 that exhibits the same problem.  But only
> with certain hard drives. I have some that work just fine and then some
> that will freeze the BIOS. I would recommend trying a different drive

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