On 27/12/14 10:05, Kapetanakis Giannis wrote:
On 26/12/14 12:23, Kapetanakis Giannis wrote:

Any ideas on this? I'm getting at least one panic every day.


On 24/12/14 06:13, Kapetanakis Giannis wrote:
Today I've installed a 10Gb adapter and upgraded to latest snapshot.
I've had a crash...

Machine is a Fujitsu RX300 S6 and the adapter is an Intel X520 SR1


ddb{0}> trace
ixgbe_tx_ctx_setup(d4164980,d919df00,f55a0e5c,f55a0e60,4) at ixgbe_tx_ctx_setup
ixgbe_encap(d4164980,d919df00,0,1000,a) at ixgbe_encap+0x16a
ixgbe_start(d4376030,d424f2c0,1,f55a0ed4,d43ac320) at ixgbe_start+0xa7
nettxintr(0,50,0,f55a0f08,d055e282) at nettxintr+0x47
softintr_dispatch(1) at softintr_dispatch+0x5a
Xsoftnet() at Xsoftnet+0x17
--- interrupt ---
cpu_idle_cycle(d0c54a00) at cpu_idle_cycle+0xf
Bad frame pointer: 0xd0d1ee58

I'm still getting the crash at the same point.
I've followed http://www.benzedrine.cx/crashreport.html
and I have managed to trace it to line 2114 of revision 1.113

  2107          /* Set the ether header length */
  2108          vlan_macip_lens |= ehdrlen << IXGBE_ADVTXD_MACLEN_SHIFT;
  2110          switch (etype) {
  2111          case ETHERTYPE_IP:
  2112                  ip = (struct ip *)(mp->m_data + ehdrlen);
  2113                  ip_hlen = ip->ip_hl << 2;
2114                  ipproto = ip->ip_p;
  2115                  type_tucmd_mlhl |= IXGBE_ADVTXD_TUCMD_IPV4;
  2116                  break;

I've also tried to revert back to older revisions of if_ix.c (until 1.108) with no luck.
I will continue a bit more to see if anything changes.



Just to add that I'm running vlan 802.1q trunk on this interface.


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