Hi OD,
On 16 December 2014 at 07:10,  <openda...@hushmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that DigitalOcean's BSD debut is going to be FreeBSD only. We, in 
> the OpenBSD community, are being asked to open up a separate UserVoice vote 
> for OpenBSD -- despite the fact that we've worked so hard to promote the 
> existing one. So, please drop by and share your frustrations:

I have not personally tested openBSD on https://www.vultr.com/ but I
have read (tweets, probably) that it will work.

> https://digitalocean.uservoice.com/forums/136585-digitalocean/suggestions/3232571-support-bsd-os
>  -- I reckon around half the votes are from OpenBSD users.
> Many thanks!
> O.D.


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