On 12/16/14 06:09, Rod Whitworth wrote:
On Tue, 16 Dec 2014 00:16:52 -0500, Ted Unangst wrote:
On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 16:05, Rod Whitworth wrote:
I tried 5.5 - crashes there too.
5.4 and earlier work well.
Clues? I love these low power skinny boxes in my rack and I'm betting that
the problem
exists in all the ones I have, but I cannot take the others down until I
have one to swap in.
1. connect a serial cable or something to record output.
I like the idea of getting chars ready to print but how do I get the data going
to the rs232
port that is on all of these boxes (luckily!) ? I missed the class that taught
that trick. 8-)
at the boot prompt:
boot> stty com0 9600
boot> set tty com0
Then use cu(1) to do the rest