On 2014-12-05 Fri 15:49 PM |, Alexei Malinin wrote:
> My child zone is 0- I tried "dig -4
> +multiline +showsearch +trace 0- ns" but it
> was not possible to make any conclusions about NS glue records from the
> dig output.

Try this Alexei:

$ dnstracer -4 -q ptr -c -o -s . 0-

The final overview table is missing == unglued. e.g: compared to:

$ dnstracer -4 -q ptr -c -o -s .
ns.paphosting.nl ( -> 

$ pkg_info dnstracer
Information for inst:dnstracer-1.9

domain name system resolution tracer

Dnstracer determines where a given Domain Name Server (DNS) gets
its information from and follows the chain of DNS servers back to
the servers which know the data.

Its behaviour is similar to ntptrace(8), which does it for the
NTP protocol.

Maintainer: joshua stein <j...@openbsd.org>

WWW: http://www.mavetju.org/unix/dnstracer.php

Glasgow Rvierside (technology) Museum trip (2013 winner best in Europe):

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