On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 5:07 PM, Marcus MERIGHI <mcmer-open...@tor.at> wrote:
> n...@holland-consulting.net (Nick Holland), 2014.10.25 (Sat) 06:08 (CEST):
> [big snip of the original discussion on screen blanking and it's
> handling by mplayer]
>> Personally, I'm slowly losing interest in screen blanking.  LCD screens
>> draw little power when on, [...]
> [snipping again]
>> A laptop plugged into the wall...why power down the screen at all?  A
>> laptop running on batteries...if you aren't going to use it, why not
>> just suspend it?
> When I read this I thought that there was some room between "not using"
> and "justifies suspend". (It only took two months until I got going...)
> For quick power saving, stand-by would do. It takes 2 seconds to go to
> stand-by, 7 seconds to resume (dmesg below).
> This is fast enough for intentional breaks, I think.
> But with me sitting in front of the machine, what happens by far more
> often are unintentional breaks, i.e. me staring and thinking (or not),
> or me trying to get work done but being interrupted, leaving the machine
> in a hurry.
> Time driven automagic (xidle(1)) stand-by would be too much for these
> cases, there may be tasks running that I want to continue.
> But screen blanking/unpowering? This cannot hurt, but does it help
> to save power? (Not only for working longer but also for the
> environment...)
> All numbers taken on a lenovo X200s (dmesg follows) with batteries
> removed, a cheapish power meter and only default deamons running (and
> doing nothing). What might matter and isn't easy to see/not visible in
> the dmesg, my sd0 (MKNSSDCR120GB) is an SSD with atactl(8) smartenable,
> writecacheenable, acousticset 126, apmset 126.
> 1.1 W  stand-by     - apm -S
> 12.5 W display off  - xrandr --output LVDS1 --off
> 15 W   display 10%  - xbacklight -set 10
> 20 W   display 100% - xbacklight -set 100
> So in the range between 1.1 W (minimum idle power consumption) and 20 W
> (maximum idle power consumption), turning the screen off automagically
> saves me eight Watts out of 19 that could be saved (if I had left
> intentionally and used stand-by). Almost half of the maximum power
> saving achieved by unpowering the screen if leaving in a hurry is good
> enough for me.

When on battery, I set brightness to 40% using "wsconsctl
display.brightness=40" and lock the screen using "xlock -dpmsoff 1"
when I'm afk...

> Bye, Marcus


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