On 2014-11-27, Maximilian Pichler <maxim.pich...@gmail.com> wrote:

> By the way, I also get:
> xmms:/usr/local/lib/xmms/Input/libxmmstremor.so: undefined symbol
> '__guard_local'

Thanks.  I already found and fixed this right after xmms-mad by
grepping the build logs of all XMMS plug-ins for "-nostdlib".

>> As a simple workaround, remove the xmms-mad package and install
>> xmms-mp3 instead.
> That worked, thanks! (And installing xmms-faad also proved helpful for
> playing AAC files.)

xmms-mad and xmms-tremor are of limited interest.  As fixed-point
decoders they are useful if your CPU doesn't have floating-point
hardware, i.e., ARM.  Otherwise just use xmms-mp3 and xmms-vorbis.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          na...@mips.inka.de

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