
An intra-BSD desktop environment based on Google's Material Design guidelines 
[1] -- would anyone be interested in something like that?

This way we could retire PC-BSD, and, coupled with the fact that OpenBSD is the 
world's only OS allowing you to run Xorg as an unprivileged user [2], we could 
make a fresh, renewed effort at conquering the Linux desktop market. Not only 
could this expand OpenBSD's user base by tens of millions, it would also make 
it clear to smartphone manufacturers which OS they should be basing all their 
future products on.


For ol' times sake, let's throw the IRIX® Interactive Desktop User Interface 
Guidelines in there as well:


Many thanks!



[1] Quantum OS (Linux): https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8645504
[2] Xorg can now run without privilege on OpenBSD: 

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