On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 02:39:02PM -0500, Libertas wrote:
> It shouldn't be an issue with clients IIRC, as they only maintain a few
> circuits.
> I just ran 'sudo lsof | wc -l' on a Linux guard relay that moves a
> little less than 1 MB/s (not much traffic), and it returned >12,500. If
> anyone else reading this has an active Tor relay running OpenBSD with
> unaltered file limits, I'd appreciate it if you could run the same
> command and let us know what you get. Running 'sudo lsof -u _tor | wc
> -l' would also be useful, as it would help discern whether the process
> hit the file limit set by /etc/login.conf.
# fstat -u _tor | wc -l

The file descriptor limit effectively limits the number of sockets
(ie. concurrent connections) tor can open.

On relays with more than kern.maxfiles connections at a time you'd need
to bump the file descriptor limit but I don't think there is a need to
bump the limit unconditionally on every relay.

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