On Thu, 20 Nov 2014 16:57:08 +0100, Janne Johansson
<icepic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Please don't mix "you" and "we" in the text on who is doing what.

Indeed, thanks.
A new version with the wording more consistent with the general tone
(I hope).

Index: faq14.html
RCS file: /cvs/www/faq/faq14.html,v
retrieving revision 1.247
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.247 faq14.html
--- faq14.html  18 Nov 2014 02:00:07 -0000      1.247
+++ faq14.html  20 Nov 2014 16:09:38 -0000
@@ -3057,6 +3057,42 @@ and
 on your system.
+<h4>Mounting a cryptographic softraid volume at boot</h4>
+This setup can be used for additional softraid volumes which don't
+contain the root partition.
+You need to know the <a href="faq14.html#DUID">DUID</a>s of the
+physical device and the one of the softraid volume.
+$ <b>disklabel sd0 | grep duid</b>
+duid: 4d498d4248c8d056
+$ <b>disklabel sd1 | grep duid</b>
+duid: b1e264fc29000110
+Use <i>/etc/rc.local</i> to decrypt, do a minor fsck check and
+finally mount the volume and be sure to use the DUID of the physical
+# <b>echo "bioctl -c C -l 4d498d4248c8d056.m softraid0" >> /etc/rc.local</b>
+# <b>echo "\"check /data\"; fsck -p /data; mount -s /data" >> /etc/rc.local</b>
+Add the entry of the partition in <i>/etc/fstab</i> with the DUID
+of the crypto volume with the flag <i>noauto</i> so the system
+doesn't try to mount it with the other partitions as they're mounted
+before <i>/etc/rc.local</i> is run thus the crypto volume doesn't exist
+for the system, yet.
+# <b>echo "b1e264fc29000110.p /data ffs \</b>
+  <b>     rw,nodev,nosuid,noauto 0 0" >> /etc/fstab</b>
 <h4>I forgot my passphrase!</h4>
 This is real encryption, there's not a back door or magic unlocking

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