On 18/11/14(Tue) 09:02, Scott Bonds wrote:
> A few people suggest I try current. I tried it and the ports show up
> again, this time as XHCI. They are unreliable, as others have noted:
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=141614729913281&w=2

-current is moving fast and this remark is already outdated since a
commit improving the situation went in just after that :)

I don't know what you mean by "unreliable" nor which snapshot you tried,
that sad for me, 'cause I cannot learn from your experience :/

> I use this laptop as my main workstation, so I'm going to retreat back
> to 5.5-stable for now, but I'll see if I can get a kernel built with the
> XHCI debugging on so I can help gather info on the XHCI issues.

Well you still have an ehci(4) controller on your machine, how does it work
on -current?

Be it on -current or 5.6, could you post the output of "usbdevs -dv" or
even better "lsusb -v" (from the usbutils package) with your devices
attached but not recognized?

> Excerpts from Scott Bonds's message of 2014-11-15 01:35:32 -0800:
> > [...]
> > An old copy of the 5.5 dmesg is available here:
> > 
> > http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=138867402307945&w=2

There's no difference USB-wise with the dmesg you posted for 5.6.  From
what I can see your urtwn(4) was attached to uhub3 which is connected to
an ehci(4).  Do you connect it in a blue port? 

Do you also have a "usbdevs -dv" output, or better "lsusb -v"
one for this release?

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