On 17/11/2014 19:16, sven falempin wrote:
did you apply one of the patch about vlan ?

Sorry I forgot to mention this box is running stock 5.6 with no patch applied.

Shall I have applied a patch to it ?

I'll apply errata shortly.


On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 5:39 AM, Kevin Gee <ke...@brandwatch.com> wrote:

I'm having the following setup

2 em interfaces composing trunk0:

up                                                          trunkproto lacp 
trunkport em4 trunkport em1

a vlan interface 'over' trunk0:

inet NONE vlan 34 vlandev trunk0

When using tcpdump to analyze trafic from/to subnets connected to the vlan34 
interface I only see trafic 'entering' the vlan34 interface, but not outgoing 

Command is: "tcpdump -i vlan34"

When using "tcpdump -i trunk0 vlan" I correctly see bi-directionnal trafic.

Is it the expected behavior or am I missing something ?


Hi Laurent,

Perhaps the LACP algorithm is is sending outbound traffic across one link and the 
other side is transmitting return traffic on the other link. What do you see if 
yoiu use tcpdump for em1& em4 ?

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