At 16 Nov 2014 16:45:46 +0000 (UTC) from trondd <>:
On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 11:21 PM

>I like to use a browser that is keyboard-centric (vi-like, ideally)
>that supports modern web functionality
Well, there are many support for "features" unnecessary. Many scripts are 
insecure, and we just don't use on nowadays. 
Some support for Html 4.1, maybe just some support for html5, CSS and 
javascript (meh) is good enough.
>Yea, Webkit is bulky and can be problematic, but what's the alternative?
Webkit is very bloated, many bugs and, as you say, the developers seems to 
think that is more important add more features than make a clean and non bug 
There's many others alternatives. As I say, Abaco seems good, well done, 
minimalist. Xombrero have some secure intended features, block some scripts, so 
but is not so much effective. In this point, firefox have some "addons" really 
good, like Noscript, Adblock and some controls of cookie.
>Maybe it's specific sites?
Not really. When I make some research and open many tabs, Xombrero seems to 
consume all memory.

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