
Is there a way to output the rescue disk console on a serial port? It
will help for the copy-paste because I don't have physical access to
the server I'm running the VM's and I'm using VNC to grab the console.

On 11 November 2014 22:21, Philip Guenther <guent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 5:43 AM, Nikos Skalkotos <skalk...@grnet.gr> wrote:
>> I have a kernel page fault in OpenBSD 5.6 100% reproducible (I think I
>> can reproduce it in older versions too).
>> I've created an OpenBSD installation in Linux through kvm on a 1GB hard
>> disk with just a root partition (a), by booting the install56.iso cdrom
>> with a command like this:
>> kvm -smp 1 -m 2048 -boot d -drive \
>> file=/dev/images/openbsd-5.6,format=raw,cache=none,if=virtio -cdrom
>> /tmp/install56.iso -vnc :0
>> The system boots fine with a command like this:
>> kvm -m 2048 -drive file=/dev/images/openbsd,format=raw,cache=none,if=virtio
>> If I then copy it into a 100GB volume:
>> dd if=/dev/images/openbsd of=/dev/images/tmp1 bs=4M
>> And try to boot it, it still boots fine. I then boot into the VM's
>> rescue disk:
> ...
>> Fix the MBR to use the entire disk:
>> # fdisk -i wd0
>> And change the disklabel:
>> disklabel -E sd0
> ...
> To make it easier to analyze and reproduce this, can you provide the
> output of fdisk and disklabel both before changing anything and then
> again afterwards?
> Hmm, and how about the output of
>     dumpfs /dev/rsd0a  | head -23
> before and after too?
> Philip Guenther

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