> A number of months ago, we were hit by a virus that caused our machines to 
> open numerous popups to numerous adware sites. In an effort to control that 
> then and forever (ha!), we placed the addresses of the adware sites into a 
> table and told pf to block access to them. When I rebooted our firewall 
> recently, pf did not start due to one of the addresses being unresolvable. 
> This caused all connections to be blocked.  Has this been fixed in later 
> releases of OBSD, or has anyone developed a work around for this?
> # pfctl -Tload -f pf.conf
> no IP address found for dsl-80-46-67-1.access.xxxx.com
> pf.conf:17: file "/etc/blocked-sites" contains bad data
> pfctl: Syntax error in config file: pf rules not loaded

You made a mistake.  You should be using IP addresses for external
things, not hostnames.

Next week dsl-80-46-67-1.access.xxxx.com could configured by someone
to be, or your external gateway address.

And you would not want that, either.

So use the actual addresses.

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