On 11/06/14 02:36, Stefan Wollny wrote:
> Hi there!
> This morning I fetched the latest snapshots (#537) from
> ftp.hostserver.de. As usual after rebooting I updated the sources from
> the same server being set in '.profile' as CVSROOT.
> This time I noticed a lot of warnings for s.th. needing to be a absolute
> path. At the end I saw the following:
> <quote>
> cvs update: CVSROOT "U:" must be an absolute pathname
> cvs [update aborted]: Bad CVSROOT
> </quote>

and what IS $CVSROOT?
Not what you THINK it is...what is it really?

> I did an other update-run from openbsd.cs.fau.de and noticed too the
> warnings about the absolute pathnames, but not the "update aborted" note
> as with ftp.hostserve.de.
> Is this a (known) issue server-sided or is s.th. broke on my side???

impossible to say with the information provided -- note you have
provided (some) error messages and ZERO information about what you
actually did, that's usually an indication of a user error.

Putting your CVSROOT in your command line is a good way to solve a lot
of problems and troubleshoot the rest.  Simply setting it as an
environment variable causes it to be used ONLY if there's nothing on the
command line AND nothing in the CVS tree.


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