There are some confusing info about which won the base-webserver in OpenBSD:
In 5.6 it seems to be nginx 1.6.0 (http://www.openbsd.org/plus56.html) :
Unhooked httpd(8) from build: use of nginx(8) is encouraged now.
Removed Apache from base (replaced by nginx(8)). 

In current (http://www.openbsd.org/plus.html):Removed nginx from the base
system in favour of OpenBSD's homegrown httpd(8).

and now I am confused.

I was planning to migrate some Perl scripts from mod_perl 1.3/Apache 1.3 to
Nginx styleusing the Perl Module Nginx having direct access to Nginx internals
which is almost
like doing cgi programming in C.
It would made a wonderful combination between speed and security (running on

My questions...
1) why Apache 1.3 (OpenBSD patched version) was also considered to be no more
a viable options as base web server?

2) why nginx has been considered a good candidate for base web server in 5.6
   and, in -current,  lost this place?
3) what would be the performance of running Perl scripts through
FastCGI+httpd, compared to Apache1.3/mod_perl1.3 compared to nginx/Nginx perl

4) will httpd be able to support Perl script processing without the need to
talk to an external (FasCGI) daemon?
5) what would be the best option to run Perl scripts in OpenBSD 5.6 + ?

Thank you,

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