On Fri, 9 Dec 2005 13:17:01 -0200
Ricardo Lucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake:

> Hello everybody,
> that's my doubt, what program can I use to monitoring the traffic of my LAN,
> and display, in a web based, informations such like the most visited site
> and the PC tha most access the internet outside my intranet ofcourse, and
> things like these.
> I had installed MRTG and symon, but it's do not feet my necessities.
> Thank's for your attention
> --
> Ricardo Lucas

We've used a combination of a bunch of them in the past.  We have a
machine with a web server that collects and displays stats.  Then we
link them all together... so one link shows mrtg stuff, another shows
MON status outputs, another squid stuff...  If you just want to know
about web browsing, squid stuff is your best bet - and it helps with
reducing bandwidth too. Here, over about a week, we serve about 45-55%
of the hits locally (which is about 20-30% of the total bytes

You may not find the one thing that will do everything you want, but
you should be able to find a few things that cover it...

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