On Fri, 09 Dec 2005 13:29:36 +0000
Scott Plumlee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake:

> Bill wrote:
> > Has anyone had Fogbugz (from fogcreek) running on openbsd?  They list a
> > bunch of O/S's including OSX and FreeBSD, but to find out if it works I
> > need to buy it.  Which means a bunch of paperwork and approvals to get
> > it.  Then more, if I have to return it and get something different.
> > 
> > If they had a free download trial I would try that, but they only have
> > online.
> > 
> > I've not found anything on google or their forums on it.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > PS. Sorry if the waiting for approval one gets through also - i sent
> > from the wrong acct (again).
> > 
> I spoke to a support rep about it before I bought it for our use on a 
> FreeBSD machine.  Wanted to get it running on OpenBSD, but they don't 
> have anyone (as of several months ago) running it on OpenBSD that they 
> could find in their knowledge base.  They use a particular module that 
> they don't release the source for (fogbugz.so, if I remember right), so 
> it only works on particular platforms.
> I spent a few minutes the other day messing around with it to see what 
> would happen if I did FreeBSD binary emulation, but I didn't have time 
> to correct all the installation parameters to locate the various files 
> in the right places.  I had selected FreeBSD as the install OS, and it 
> kept expecting things to be in different places.  But it might work, and 
> you can get a 30 day trial period when you can get a refund for any 
> reason.  We just run a single copy, and I think it's only about $130 
> total for one copy.
> If there is anyone else that's wanting to do this, I'll add our name to 
> any push to have them make an OpenBSD release.

Yeah, that was my understanding as far as the refund and the closed
source module.  I'd though us behind any push for an openbsd release.
I think we would need the 10 user if that helps convince them.

Thanks for your past effort on testing it on freebsd emulation.  Pretty
much saves me some effort... (I am not crazy about emulation for some
reason though).

Take care,

Got to go shovel myself out now

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