Hi Alessandro,

Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote on Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 08:25:59AM +0200:

> I noticed that, when I update my packages using "pkg_add -u", some
> unneeded re-installation are performed;

Almost certainly not unneeded; Marc Espie@ has spent a lot of effort
on getting that right.  At least, you don't show any evidence for
that claim, or for any bug in this area.

> - some packages are updated even if version is unchanged:
> xloadimage-4.1.22v0->4.1.22v0: ok
> xpdf-3.04->3.04: ok
> xzgv-0.9p4->0.9p4: ok
> According to pkg_add's man page
> "the update signature of the candidate is compared to the signature
> of the already installed package: identical signatures mean no update
> needed"
> so I think that signatures of those packages have changed w.r.t. the
> previous snapshot, but what's the rationale here?


  The full version (package name and dependency names) is known as the
  `update signature', and can be queried with pkg_info -S, for packages,
  or make print-update-signature for ports.

Try it:

   $ pkg_info -S xpdf 
  Information for inst:xpdf-3.04
  Signature: xpdf-3.04,

So, packages are automatically updated when new versions are available
compiled again newer libraries or newer dependencies, even if the
Makefile of the package itself (and hence its own version number)
did not change.  That prevents .libs-* packages from needlessly
accumulating on your system.


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