On 10/12/14 07:43, Stefan Wollny wrote:
>  The
> moment I run 'cvs -q up -Pd' the system looses it's connection and I get
> the note
> "ssh: connect to host ftp.hostserver.de port 22: No route to host
>  cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages
> if any)"

that's pretty clear, isn't it?  The SSH connection is failing.
Troubleshoot it at that level, or even traceroute.  Don't complain about
CVS when the SSH transport is failing...and not sure I'd talk about SSH
when you have a "no route to host" message.

You've got some funky stuff in your pf.conf, including apparently
blocking your local subnet (which appears to be,
blocked with your "broken" table).  Shouldn't be a problem, but not sure
what your firewall/router and/or DHCP server will do with a machine that
doesn't appear to be there.

>  or
> "/usr/ports $ sudo cvs -q up -Pd
>  cannot create_adm_p /tmp/cvs-serv32110/net/py-flowtools/pkg
>  No space left on device"
> No space left on device - WTF???

almost always means "...on the CVS server".  cvs has a nasty habit of
leaving trash laying around in the /tmp directory if someone aborts a
connection, and by "trash", I mean hundreds of MB sometimes.  Also...cvs
is one of the few apps I've seen burn inodes faster than disk space --
if the anoncvs tmp directory is its own partition, it generally needs
more-than-normal number of inodes, and a nightly erasure of anything
older than say 24 hours.  Notify the anoncvs mirror administrator.


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