On Thu, Oct 09, 2014 at 02:23:54PM -0400, Nick Holland wrote:
> On 10/09/14 13:21, Nux! wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I'm trying to get some scripts working which would take a password
> >from stdin and set it for root. In Linux "passwd --stdin" is used, in
> >FreeBSD "pw mod user root -h 0". How would I do this in OpenBSD?
> >
> >Thanks, Lucian
> >
> in addition to the already provided tip... consider this:
> Disable root password logins completely.  Change the (encrypted) password to
> something nonsense or one or 13 "*"s, and use either sudo or SSH keys to get
> root acceess.  This has the added advantages of no one having "extra" access
> by having root pw, no need to share/distribute root pw, etc.  And unlike a
> number of other Unixes, this works very nicely.

Ubuntu-style? :)

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