On 2014-09-17 12:15, misc nick wrote:
When i try to mount (via a card adapter) a specific Kingston 32GB
micro sd card i get:

mount_msdos: /dev/sdXi on /mnt: Inappropriate file type or format

(X is the device number)

It is strange because i can mount it in windows and linux. I have other micro sd
cards that mount normally on my OpenBSD 5.5-Release/amd64.

What am i looking at here: hardware failure, driver problem, something else?
If there is a way i can diagnose this, let me know.

First step: issue:

# disklabel sdX

This will output either an actual disklabel, if one exists, or it will output a psuedo-disklabel containing any recognized partitions from the drive's MBR
partition table.

If that shows an MS-DOS (FAT) partition at "i", then double-check the existence of
the /dev/sdXi node:

$ ls -ld /dev/sdXi

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