On 2014-09-14, Daniel Jakots <vigdis+o...@chown.me> wrote:

> I set up a server:
> server "default" {
>         listen on egress port 80
>         directory auto index
>         root "/var/www/"
> }
> But it won't listen on localhost. So is there any easy way to do it?

listen on port 80

> "host_dns: localhost resolves to more than 1 hosts"
> and then it listens only on ::1 and not on (the order is
> normal, I guess, because "family inet6 inet4" in resolv.conf) and I
> think both should be listened on, no ?

A server can only listen on a single address at the moment.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          na...@mips.inka.de

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