Dear maintainers of the website,

with the question of network adapters naming I went stuck searching for
a 'supported hardware' list. On the path from
""; to "";,
""; - "Supported hardware:" I
could not find any list of hardware adapters (network, graphics, sound etc.),
that are supported by the actual release. But I remember that a few years
ago there was such a list.

(There was also a list of the available packages with a note what they're
good for, or at least a title; today I go to the FreeBSD site, search for -
say file managers - then go to the OpenBSD's packages directory, and
if the package is there, too, I can install it and look what packages the
installation requests else...)

The FAQ section "";
"6.2.1 - Identifying and setting up your network interfaces" explains
"If you don't know what your device name is, please look at the
_supported_hardware_list_ for your platform." from where there's a link
to the "plat.html" mentioned above.
There's also a note under "";
'14.17.3 - How do I create a bootable "Live" USB device?'
"after the install... create a bunch of hostname.if(5) files...".

Of course, I could try the .rd and read the dmesg or attach a blank media
to the machine I'd like to know the network adapter name on, do a minimal
installation and look what interface the process will detect, or I could
even do a deep study into the automated installation process and learn
about the network adapter detection and later do alone that part manually,
but I'd appreciate to have a list ready. This could also be a point to
start from when collecting hardware for a new machine setup.

Many thanks,
Dirk Eberhardt

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