On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Henning Brauer <hb-open...@ml.bsws.de>

> * Tony Sarendal <t...@polarcap.org> [2014-09-03 06:48]:
> > The initial request disappearing and the firewalls staying demoted
> > "forever" are independent issues.
> sure about that? the demotion counter for the interface group pfsyncX
> is part of (usually carp) is kept raised until the bulk transfer
> finishes.

Looks like separate issues.

I have done more testing since, using 5.5. In all cases the demote
counter restores after the bulk transfer completes, or after pfsync
gives up after 12 retries. I have a few 5.4 where I can't explain the
33 demote counter, but I can't replicate it when testing.

I could replicate the problem with the initial request disappearing when
using trunk.
The "sleep" solves it, I can live with that.

On our heavier firewalls bulk transfer never completes, but carp restores
the 12 retries, close to 29h after reboot.


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