
I have a Soekris net6501-50 with an Atheros AR9380 (model AR5BXB112)
wireless card attached to a Mini PCI Express slot.  When attempting to
`ifconfig athn0 scan`, or otherwise interact with the interface, I
trigger a panic.  I’ve tried both with and without the athn firmware
installed via `fw_update`, and even tested the card in a PCI-E

Here’s the panic line:

panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "pin < sc->ngpiopins" failed: file
"../../../../dev/ic/ar9003.c", line 514

I've included trace, ps, registers and objdump output below.  Any help
would be appreciated!


`trace` output:

ddb> trace
Debugger(d09da499,f54bc948,d09b7298,f54bc948,0) at Debugger+0x4
panic(d09b7298,d0935a26,d0996d20,d099eec4,202) at panic+0x67
__assert(d0935a26,d099eec4,202,d0996d20,1) at __assert+0x2e
ar9003_gpio_write(d1f40000,ff,1,d1f40000,d1f40000) at ar9003_gpio_write+0xa2
athn_set_led(d1f40000,0,0,1,80) at athn_set_led+0x31
athn_led_init(d1f40000,7f,0,f54bc9ec,d0203009) at athn_led_init+0x35
athn_init(d1f40030,d0b21068,d6efb220,d2491200,d1f40030) at athn_init+0xe8
athn_ioctl(d1f40030,8020690c,d2491200,d0427410,d2491228) at athn_ioctl+0x1cc
in6_ifinit(d1f40030,d2491200,1,d03c6d49,d6cce2ac) at in6_ifinit+0xbe
in6_update_ifa(d1f40030,f54bcc10,0,0,0) at in6_update_ifa+0x292
in6_ifattach_linklocal(d1f40030,0,f54bcd7c,3c50,f8214ba2) at in6_ifattach_linkl
in6_ifattach(d1f40030,0,f54bcd7c,d03c78a5,f54bcd68) at in6_ifattach+0xdd
in6_if_up(d1f40030,d09bd23c,cfbd5000,3c02d003,80206910) at in6_if_up+0x13
if_up(d1f40030,0,0,3c02d003,d1cf9030) at if_up+0x6e
ifioctl(d6c8ec40,80206910,f54bce84,d6cded68,f54bcec8) at ifioctl+0xcdb
sys_ioctl(d6cded68,f54bcf64,f54bcf84,f54bcfa8,d6e59b00) at sys_ioctl+0x144
syscall() at syscall+0x214
--- syscall (number 10) ---

`ps` output:

ddb> ps
   PID   PPID   PGRP    UID  S       FLAGS  WAIT          COMMAND
*20727  19085  20727      0  7         0x3                ifconfig
 19085   7999  19085      0  3        0x8b  pause         zsh
  7999  12432   7999   1000  3        0x8b  pause         zsh
 12432      1  12432   1000  2           0                tmux
  8775   3974   8775   1000  3        0x83  kqread        tmux
  3974  28811   3974   1000  3        0x8b  pause         zsh
 28811   3693   3693   1000  3        0x90  select        sshd
  3693   9282   3693      0  3        0x92  poll          sshd
 19024      1  19024      0  3        0x83  ttyin         getty
  9267      1   9267      0  3        0x80  select        cron
 31441      1  31441      0  3        0x80  nanosleep     watchdogd
  2267      1   2267    601  3        0x90  kqread        unbound
 30127      1  30127    688  3        0x90  kqread        dnscrypt-proxy
 10904      1  10904      0  3        0xb0  select        sendmail
  4418      1   4418     77  3        0x90  poll          dhcpd
  9282      1   9282      0  3        0x80  select        sshd
 31370  21117  10004     83  3        0x90  poll          ntpd
 21117  10004  10004     83  3        0x90  poll          ntpd
 10004      1  10004      0  3        0x80  poll          ntpd
 14077  21793  21793     74  3        0x90  bpf           pflogd
 21793      1  21793      0  3        0x80  netio         pflogd
  7320  31362  31362     73  3        0x90  poll          syslogd
 31362      1  31362      0  3        0x80  netio         syslogd
 21221      0      0      0  3      0x4200  aiodoned      aiodoned
 23527      0      0      0  3      0x4200  syncer        update
 13509      0      0      0  3      0x4200  cleaner       cleaner
 25814      0      0      0  3      0x4200  reaper        reaper
 30850      0      0      0  3      0x4200  pgdaemon      pagedaemon
 30879      0      0      0  3      0x4200  bored         crypto
 11107      0      0      0  3      0x4200  pftm          pfpurge
  8157      0      0      0  3      0x4200  mmctsk        sdmmc1
 26366      0      0      0  3      0x4200  mmctsk        sdmmc0
 24641      0      0      0  3      0x4200  usbtsk        usbtask
 28718      0      0      0  3      0x4200  usbatsk       usbatsk
 16005      0      0      0  3      0x4200  bored         sensors
 21790      0      0      0  3      0x4200  bored         systq
 19530      0      0      0  3      0x4200  bored         syswq
 30656      0      0      0  3  0x40004200                idle0
 25734      0      0      0  3      0x4200  kmalloc       kmthread
     1      0      1      0  3        0x82  wait          init
     0     -1      0      0  3       0x200  scheduler     swapper

`show registers` output:

ddb> show registers
ds                  0x10
es                  0x10
fs                  0x20
gs                     0
edi           0xd09b7298        systq+0x1ae0
esi                0x100
ebp           0xf54bc8fc
ebx           0xf54bc948
edx                  0x1
ecx           0xd0b2008c        kprintf_mutex
eax                  0x1
eip           0xd055fc74        Debugger+0x4
cs                   0x8
eflags             0x202
esp           0xf54bc8fc
ss                  0x10
Debugger+0x4:   popl    %ebp

`objdump` output:

 * Access to General Purpose Input/Output ports.
ar9003_gpio_read(struct athn_softc *sc, int pin)
        KASSERT(pin < sc->ngpiopins);
        return (((AR_READ(sc, AR_GPIO_IN) & AR9300_GPIO_IN_VAL) &
            (1 << pin)) != 0);

ar9003_gpio_write(struct athn_softc *sc, int pin, int set)
        uint32_t reg;

        KASSERT(pin < sc->ngpiopins);
        reg = AR_READ(sc, AR_GPIO_IN_OUT);
        if (set)
                reg |= 1 << pin;
                reg &= ~(1 << pin);
        AR_WRITE(sc, AR_GPIO_IN_OUT, reg);

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