On 08/23/14 18:49, Adam Thompson wrote:
> Posting here before filing a bug in case this rings a bell...
> Dell PowerEdge 2900, with PERC 5 "integrated" controller.  All BIOSes 
> and firmware levels up to date as of ~6 months ago.  (Which should be 
> pretty current, since this isn't a new system!)
> Copying install55.fs to a USB stick and booting from it starts to boot, 
> gets part-way through the boot process, then suddenly reboots.

This machine has a CDROM drive on it, and Dell has had some fantasticly
buggy USB support in the BIOS in the past.  Use the CDROM.  Or the ISO
file through the DRAC.  I know I've booted some OSs from USB drives on
2950s, but I don't recall if OpenBSD was one of them.

> This server does the exact same thing with Ubuntu 12.04.x, but otherwise 
> works fine: FreeBSD (via FreeNAS), DragonflyBSD 3.8.2, Debian (via 
> ProxmoxVE), CentOS 6.4 all boot and work just fine; it's been operating 
> as a Proxmox server in production for the last 12 months without any 
> issues, so I'm fairly confident it's not a hardware problem.
> I don't even know where to start with this... ideas?  Right now, I'm 
> re-writing the install FS so I can re-test, then I'll try an actual 
> CD-ROM.  I can take video of the boot screen, not sure how to get serial 
> console output that early in the process.

If your machine won't boot a CDROM image, I suspect your machine is
broke.  While I've never had a Dell PE2900 in my hands, the PE2950 is
supposedly a very similar machine...and I think it is very very safe to
say that OpenBSD works wonderfully on 2950s, and I'm pretty sure I've
loaded Ubuntu 12.04 on 'em, as well.


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